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Adding share buttons on blog posts

Apr 4, 2023 · Last updated: Apr 10, 2023 ·
Posted in weblog#tech
Categories: javascript

Rather than relying on pre-built widgets or SDKs from platforms like Twitter, there is a simpler approach to adding "Share on <site>" links to your blog posts using URL redirection.

Most sites have a dedicated "submit" link that allows for specific query parameters to be used in order to pre-populate the URL and title. The parameter names may differ for each site, for example, for Twitter it would be text&url=

You can store these values for different sites in an array of objects and map through it to display a link with the target attribute set to _blank. These links can then be styled with CSS without loading any external scripts.

const shareSites = [
    name: 'Hacker News',
    submitUrl: '',
    titleParam: 't',
    urlParam: 'u',
    name: 'Lobsters',
    submitUrl: '',
    titleParam: 'title',
    urlParam: 'url',
    name: 'Reddit',
    submitUrl: '',
    titleParam: 'title',
    urlParam: 'url',
    name: 'Twitter',
    submitUrl: '',
    titleParam: 'text',
    urlParam: 'url',

// Later in the post template component
const title = "How to ..."
const permalink = ""
<div className="share-buttons">
  Share this post on:
  { => (
    <span key={}>
        rel="noopener noreferrer"
      </a>{" "}