Last updated: Aug 5, 2020 ·
Posted in wiki#links
Web development
If you are completely new to web development, I recommend studying the web developer roadmap first.
Offline documentation
- Velocity
Windows only
Command line
- SS64 - Command line reference - Database and OS scripting.
- Atlassian Git Tutorial - Git Tutorials and Training.
- Git Cheat Sheet
- GitKraken Git Tutorials
- GitHub
- good first issues - opportunities for contributing to open projects on GitHub
- Git clients
- Sourcetree - Free Git GUI for Mac and Windows
- Sublime Merge - Git Client, done Sublime
- GitKraken
- Sourcetree - Free Git GUI for Mac and Windows
Programming languages
- HTML/CSS/JavaScript
- Mozilla Developer Network
- The Odin Project
- W3Schools - See also: W3Fools.
- Deep Dive Into Modern Web Development - University of Helsinki.
- HTML Dog
- Scrimba
- SoloLean
- LambdaSchool Free Online Web Mini Bootcamp
- Can I use - Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc.
- CSS-Tricks
- Box-shadow generator - This tool lets you construct CSS box-shadow effects, to add box shadow effects to your CSS objects.
- Codrops - Web Dev and Design News.
- JavaScript
- Learn CSS
- HTML Reference
- CSS Reference
- Marksheet
- What The Flexbox - a set of 20 free videos to learn CSS flexbox layout by Wes Bos. See also: Command line power user.
- - a set of 20 free videos to learn CSS grid layout by Wes Bos.
- Mozilla Grid Playground - Learn about CSS Grid Layout and the Firefox DevTools layout panel.
- Grid by Example
- Flexbox Froggy - a simple 24 level game learn CSS flexbox.
- Flexbox Defense - Learn CSS Flexbox by playing a tower defense game.
- Grid Garden - Learn CSS Grid Layout by playing 28 different levels of Grid Garden.
- HTML periodic table
- All The Tags
- Web Design in 4 minutes - Learn the basics of web design in 4 minutes with this interactive tutorial
- CSS Gradient - free tool that lets you create a gradient background for websites and technical articles.
- CSS3 Cheat Sheet
- Python
- Official Python docs
- Python Wiki
- Python for Non-Programmers
- Python for Programmers
- Python Tutor - Visualize Python, Java, C, C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, and Ruby code execution.
- How To Think Like A Computer Scientist - a free online book recommended by MIT OpenCourseWare
- RealPython (GitHub: realpython/materials)
- Google's Python Class
- Python Discord
- Full Stack Python
- William Vincent's Blog
- Ned Batchelder's Blog
- Trey Hunner's Blog
- Python Developer’s Guide - A comprehensive resource for contributing to Python.
- Ruby
- Official PHP Manuals
- PHP Pastebin - Collection of PHP links.
Web frameworks
- Bootstrap (CSS)
- Bulma (CSS)
- React (JavaScript)
- React docs
- Official Tutorial for building a small game using React
- React Tutorial by MDN
- Overreacted - Dan Abramov.
- Josh W. Comeau - Josh W. Comeau.
- Redux (JavaScript)
- Angular (JavaScript)
- Vue (JavaScript)
- Vue docs
- Vue Tutorial by MDN
- VueSchool - Learn Vue.js from core-team members and industry experts.
- Django (Python)
- Django docs
- Django Tutorial by MDN - a library catalog website in Django.
- Django Girls
- Django Tutorial by sentdex.
- Learn Django by William Vincent.
- YouTube
- Flask (Python)
- Node.js/Express (JavaScript)
- Node.js docs
- NodeJs Tutorial from MDN - a library catalog website in NodeJS/ExpressJS.
- Node.js resources- Stack Overflow
- Express docs
- Ember (JavaScript)
- Ruby on Rails (Ruby):
See also: HotFrameworks
Data visualization
- D3.js
- ObservableHQ D3.js Tutorial - Mike Bostock, Creator of D3.js.
- How to learn D3.js - Amelia Wattenberger
Static site generators
- StaticGen - Top Open Source Static Site Generators.
- headlessCMS - Top Content Management Systems for JAMstack sites.
- NetlifyCMS - Open source content management for your Git workflow.
- Forestry - A static CMS that commits.
- GatsbyGuides - Build blazing fast web applications with Gatsby 101.
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite
Text editors and IDEs
Regular expressions
Developer tools
- MDN CSS Color Picker Tools
- Dan's Tools - Collection of various tools helpful for developers.
- Who is my ISP?
- Design tools
- - A collection of tools for developers who have little to no artistic talent.
- ColorBox - a color tool to produce color sets.
- LogoMakr
- Figma - collaborative interface design tool
- svgator - SVG Animation Creator
- - Soft UI CSS shadow generator.
- Canva - Create beautiful designs with your team.
- illlustrations - open source illustrations kit.
- Speed test
- Fake APIs
- JSONPlaceholder - Fake online REST API for developers
- Text generators
- Images/SVGs
- unDraw - Open-source illustrations for every project you can imagine
- Lorem Picsum - The Lorem Ipsum for photos.
- Flat UI Colors - 280 handpicked colors ready for COPY & PASTE.
- Unsplash - The internet’s source of freely usable images.
- Patterns
- Heropatterns - A collection of repeatable SVG background patterns for you to use on your web projects.
- Cool Backgrounds - collection of tools to create compelling, colorful images for blogs and websites.
- Deployment
- Cloudflare - The Integrated Global Cloud Platform.
- Heroku - Build data-driven apps with fully managed data services.
- Netlify - Netlify is everything you need to build fast, modern websites: continuous deployment, serverless functions, and so much more.
- GitHub Pages
- GitLab Pages
- sourcehut pages
- ZEIT Now - The easiest way to deploy websites.
- surge - Static web publishing for Front-End Developers.
- Render - unified platform to build and run all your apps and websites with free SSL, a global CDN, private networks and auto deploys from Git.
- API testing
- Postman - The Collaboration Platform for API Development.
- UI inspiration
- Webframe - Beautiful Screenshots showing webapp designs.
- Payment processing
- Technology lookup tools
- Miscellaneous
- NASA APIs - NASA data, including imagery, eminently accessible to application developers.
- Reddit API
- Marvel developer portal - The Marvel Comics API.
- Magazines
- Increment Magazine - print and digital magazine about how teams build and operate software systems at scale.
- Codepen profiles
- Chris Coyier - Founder of CSS-Tricks.
- Florin Pop
- Hakim El Hattab - Creator of reveal.js.
- Dribble profiles
- Sites
- - learn to build for the modern web.
- sitepoint
- Extension Workshop - Get help creating and publishing Firefox add-ons that make browsing smarter, safer, and faster.
- The changelog
- Glitch
- DigitalOcean Community Tutorials
- freeCodeCamp Guide - articles about all things related to programming.
- Rosetta Code
- JAMstack - JavaScript, APIs, and Markup
- GeeksforGeeks - A computer science portal for geeks
- tuts+
- thoughtbot Blog - Giant Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots.
- Twilio Tutorials
- - fun and practical web development tutorials.
- Pusher Developer Tutorials
- Cooperpress - Weekly email newsletters to developers and software engineers.
- RisingStack Blog
- A List Apart
- Pastebins
- GitHub Gists - Instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
- Pastebin
- Ubuntu Pastebin
Coding challenges
- Project Euler - Series of computational problems intended to be solved with computer programs.
- Advent of Code - 25 days of themed coding challenges, starting each year on Dec 1.
- Kaggle
- HackerRank
- Checkio
- TopCoder
- CodeWars
- CSES Problem Set
- CodeForces
- LeetCode
- CoderByte
- CodeChef
- Online Judge
- CodeSignal
- HackerEarth
- edabit
- Rosalind - Python ∩ Biology.
- JavaScript30
- Project Lovelace - Free scientific programming problems.
- CodinGame
- PythonChallenge
- - Free anonymous technical interview practice.
- practiceJS - Some JavaScript coding exercises put into a web app so they can be done on a phone.
Developer portals
- Wikimedia Developer Portal
- GitHub developers
- Red Hat developer
- IBM developer
- Google developers
- Facebook for developers
- Oracle developer
- Discord developer portal
- Twitter developer
- Microsoft developer
- Amazon developer
- Apple developer
- C++
- Standard C++
- - The C++ Resources Network.
- Microsoft docs
- Java
- Elixir
- Elixir docs
- Elixir school - Premier destination for people looking to learn and master the Elixir programming language.
- Typescript
- Kotlin
- Go
- R
- Perl
- Haskell
- Rust
- D
- Clojure
- Scala
- Swift
- Crystal
- Nim
- Bugcrowd University
- picoCTF - CMU Cybersecurity Competition
- Firing Range
- H4CK1NG G00GL3
- OverTheWire: Wargames
- CTF Field Guide
- Chromium Money Tree Browser
Other resources
- Google TechDevGuide - Google’s Guide to Technical Development.
- Chess Programming Wiki
- Apollo Odyssey
- URF Academy by Riot Games
- Programming Idioms
- Git Internals - Learn by Building Your Own Git
- The Cryptopals Crypto Challenges
- OSDev Wiki
- MDN Playground
- comp.lang.c Frequently Asked Questions
- Checklist - The A11Y Project
- The International Obfuscated C Code Contest
- OWASP Foundation | Open Source Foundation for Application Security
- - Learn to change history with git rebase!
- Design Patterns
- Bunny Fonts | Explore Faster & GDPR friendly Fonts
- Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures