Puzzles and board games
Last updated: Aug 5, 2020 ·
Posted in wiki#links
Rubik's Cube
- JPerm.net - By Dylan Wang.
- CubeSkills - By Feliks Zemdegs. Tutorials, algorithms, PDFs and tools to learn speedcubing.
- AlgDb.net - Rubik's Cube Algorithms Database.
- Speed Cube Database
- Speedsolving Wiki
- Ruwix
- Andy Klise - Illustrations and Algorithms.
- cubing.net
- Badmephisto's Cubing Site
- Best site ever
- CubeRoot
- Cubefreak
- cut-the-knot.org - Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles.
- Timers
- csTimer (GitHub)
- qqTimer
- Twisty Timer (GitHub) (Android)
- timer.cubing.net
- People
- Stefan Pochmann
- Lucas Garron
- Jessica Fridrich
- Herbert Kociemba's Homepage
- Lars Petrus Portal
- Erich Friedman - Prof. Erich Friedman's webpage.
- Cubewhiz.com - Bob Burton.
- Fun
- Lichess (Source)
- Chess.com
- chess24.com
- Kasparovchess
- ChessBase
- Chessgames.com
- Chess tactics explained
- Who will win in this riveting game of Math.random() vs Math.random()?
- Shogi (Japanese chess)
- Xiangqi (Chinese chess)
- Jannggi (Korean chess)
- Chessable
- Chess Tempo
- Listudy (GitHub)
- KungFuChess
- Plaskett's Puzzle
- Puzzle: White to play and avoid giving mate
- Knight's tour
- Shannon number
- Winning with the Bongcloud
- wtharvey.com
- The Immortal Chess Problem
- World Puzzle Federation
- BoardGameGeek - Gaming Unplugged Since 2000.
- Pagat.com
- Futility Closet- An idler's miscellany of compendious amusements.
- Mahjong
- Bingo
- Jenga
- Rätsel, Puzzles und anderer Denksport kostenlos mit Lösungen
- Nikoli Puzzle
- Tafl games
- Nine dots puzzle
- Cat's cradle
- Slothouber–Graatsma puzzle
- Phistomefel Ring
- Wolf, goat and cabbage problem
- Trachtenberg system
- Puzzles
- Board games
- Card games