Some useful commands
# Free memory (2.2G/7.6G)
free -h | awk '/^Mem:/ {print $3 "/" $2}'
# Top 10 memory intensive processes
ps axch -o cmd:15,%mem --sort=-%mem | sed 10q
# Top 10 CPU intensive processes
ps axch -o cmd:15,%cpu --sort=-%cpu | sed 10q
# Does your terminal emulator support _italics_?
echo -e "\e[3m foo \e[23m"
# `dd` command usage to burn an iso to a flash drive
dd if=Downloads/archlinux-x86_64.iso of=/dev/sdb status=progress
# Display the SSID of connected network
nmcli -t -f active,ssid dev wifi | egrep '^yes' | cut -d\' -f2
# Colormap in terminal
msgcat --color=test
# Set a random wallpaper from r/earthporn
wget -O - -q reddit.com/r/earthporn.json | jq '.data.children[] | .data.url' | sed 1q | xargs feh --bg-fill
# Browse memes from r/memes
wget -O - -q reddit.com/r/memes.json | jq '.data.children[] | .data.url' | xargs feh
# See your most run commands
history | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | sed 10q
# Runs `command1` 1 out of 10 times
[ $[$RANDOM % 10] = 0 ] && command1 || command2
[ $[$RANDOM % 10] = 0 ] && cmatrix || clear # will run `cmatrix` 1 out of 10 times you execute this command
# Find out which shell you are on
echo $0 # or one of these
echo $SHELL
pstree $$
cat /proc/$$/cmdline
ps -p $$
ps -p $$ -oargs=
ps -p $$ -ocomm=
# Count number of lines in a file
cat <file> | wc -l # or one of these
cat <file> | nl -ba
grep -c ".*" <file>
sed -n '$=' <file>
awk 'END{print NR}' <file>
cat -n <file> | tail -n 1 | cut -f1
# Find your IP address
# Private IP
hostname -I # or one of these
ip addr
# Public IP
curl ipinfo.io # or one of these
curl -s https://icanhazip.com
wget -qO- https://checkip.amazonaws.com
host myip.opendns.com resolver1.opendns.com | grep "myip.opendns.com has" | awk '{print $4}'
dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com
# Find all mp4 files and merge them to output.mp4
find *.mp4 | sed 's:\ :\\\ :g'| sed 's/^/file /' > list.txt; ffmpeg -f concat -i list.txt -c copy output.mp4; rm list.txt
Find and replace all occurences of a string/pattern in text files in a directory recursively [*]
find /home/<username>/ -type f | xargs sed -i 's/<old>/<new>/g'
Map Caps Lock
to Ctrl
and vice versa
# On Debian
vim /etc/default/keyboard
# Change the line that reads `XKBOPTIONS=""` to `XKBOPTIONS="ctrl:swapcaps"`
sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh console-setup
Patching suckless tools
# For tarballs
patch -p1 < path/to/patch.diff
# For git repositories
git apply path/to/patch.diff
Change username and usergroup
- Drop into a tty (
Ctrl + Alt + F3
). - Login with username and password.
- Set a password for root account:
sudo passwd root
- Log out:
- Login with root account.
- Change the username and home folder:
usermod -l <new_username> -d /home/<new_username> -m <old_username>
- Change the group name:
groupmod -n <new_group> <old_group>
- Lock the root account.
- Log out.
- Exit tty.
Connect to Wi-Fi network with nmcli
nmcli dev wifi # Show available access points
nmcli dev wifi connect <access_point> password <password> # Connect
Connect to a hidden Wi-Fi network with nmcli
nmcli c add type wifi con-name <connect name> ifname wlp1s0 ssid <SSID>
nmcli con modify <connect name> wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-psk
nmcli con modify <connect name> wifi-sec.psk <password>
nmcli con up <connect name>
Change MAC address with macchanger
sudo service network-manager stop
sudo ifconfig wlan0 down
sudo macchanger -r wlan0
sudo ifconfig wlan0 up
sudo service network-manager start
Desktop entry template
# ~/.local/share/applications/firefox_dev.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Firefox Developer
GenericName=Firefox Developer Edition
Comment=Firefox Developer Edition Web Browser.
Standard I/O streams:
Stream | Description | File descriptor |
stdin | Standard input | 0 |
stdout | Standard output | 1 |
stderr | Standard error | 2 |
Redirecting input <
stdin usually takes input from the keyboard.
$ command < file.txt # Executing `command` with `file.txt` as the source of input
The output of one command can be redirected as the input for another with the |
(pipe) character.
$ echo 'one two three' | tr a-z A-Z
Using here document and here string with <<
and <<<
$ tr a-z A-Z << END_TEXT
one two three
uno dos tres
$ tr a-z A-Z <<< "one two three"
Redirecting output >
Unless redirected, stdout shows its output to the terminal.
$ command > file.txt # Redirect output of `command` to `file.txt`
# This will clobber (overwrite) any existing data in `file.txt`
# To avoid clobbering, use `>>`
$ command >> file.txt
# This will append the output to the end of `file.txt`
Clobbering can be disabled by set -o noclobber
[*]. If this is enabled but you want to temporary turn off noclobber for a single operation, use >|
. To re-enable, use set +o noclobber
Redirecting error 2>
Unless redirected, stderr shows the error messages to the terminal.
$ command 2> file.txt # Redirect errors from `command` to `file.txt`
$ command 2>> file.txt # Avoid clobbering
# To redirect stdout and stderr to the same file, use `2>&1`
$ command 2>&1 file.txt
$ ls | xargs du -sk 2> /dev/null
# Redirecting stderr to the `/dev/null` device
File-system permissions
Octal | Description |
0 | None |
1 | sticky bit is set |
2 | setgid are set |
3 | setgid and sticky bit are set |
4 | setuid is set |
5 | setgid and sticky bit are set |
6 | setgid and setgid are set |
7 | setuid, setgid, and sticky bit are set |
Octal | Binary (rwx) | Description |
0 | 000 | None |
1 | 001 | Execute |
2 | 010 | Write |
3 | 011 | Write and execute |
4 | 100 | Read |
5 | 101 | Read and execute |
6 | 110 | Read and write |
7 | 111 | Read, write, and execute |
Useful programs
Translate or delete characters.
> echo 'reddit' | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' # Change case from lowercase to uppercase
> echo 'reddit' | tr [:lower:] [:upper:] # Equivalent to above
Read from standard input and write to both standard output and one or more files.
# This will write the JSON response to `response.json` as well as stdout
> curl https://api.github.com/repos/google/zx | tee response.json
"id": 364474335,
"name": "zx",
"full_name": "google/zx",
"visibility": "public",
"forks": 469,
"owner": {
"login": "google",
"id": 1342004,
> cat response.json
"id": 364474335,
"name": "zx",
"full_name": "google/zx",
"visibility": "public",
"forks": 469,
"owner": {
"login": "google",
"id": 1342004,
# Useful options
# -a, --append: Append to the given file(s), do not overwrite
Remove sections from each line of files.
> cut -f 5 main.tsv # Output the fifth field from `main.tsv`
# Custom delimiter
> cut -d ":" -f 3- main.txt # Output the third through the last field from `main.txt`; Use `:` as delimiter
> cut -d "," -f 2,3 ratings.csv # Output only the 2nd and 3rd fields from `ratings.csv`; Use `,` as delimiter
> cut -d, -f 2,3 ratings.csv # Equivalent to above
> echo "This is an example." | cut -c3- # Output the third through the last character of the input
is is an example.
> cut -c1-20 <file> # Output the first through the 20th character of _each line_ of file
Print a sequence of numbers.
> seq 3 # Generate numbers upto 3
> seq -s " | " 7 # Use custom separator (default: `\n`)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
> seq -s " " 10 14 # Generate numbers from 10 upto 14
10 11 12 13 14
> seq -s " " 10 2 14 # Skip every other number
10 12 14
> seq -s " " 10 -2 6 # Going backwards
10 8 6
> seq -w 7 12 # Equalize width by padding with leading zeroes
> echo {0..9} # Alternative to `seq`
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
# Generates files named `xaa`, `xab`, `xac`, etc
split file # Split `file` into 1000-line files
split -l 10 file # Split `file` into 10-line files (except the last line)
split -n 5 file # Split `file`, each split with equal size (except the last line)
split -b 512 file # Split `file` with 512 bytes in each split (except the last line) (512k for kilbobytes, 512m for megabytes)
split -C 512 file # Split `file` with at most 512 bytes in each split without breaking lines
# Generates files named `xx00`, `xx01`, `xx02`, etc and prints size of each split in bytes to stdout
csplit file 5 23 # Split a file at lines 5 and 23
csplit file 5 {*} # Split a file every 5 lines (this will fail if the total number of lines is not divisible by 5)
csplit -k file 5 {*} # Split a file every 5 lines, ignoring exact-division error
csplit file 5 -f prefix # Split a file at line 5 and use a custom prefix for the output files
csplit file /regex/ # Split a file at a line matching a regular expression
System monitoring
: Report a snapshot of the current processes.ps aux | grep nginx
: Search for "nginx" inps
: Interactive process viewer.top
: Display running processes.cat /proc/loadavg
: Load average.uptime
: Tell how long the system has been running.w
: See who is logged on and what they are doing.acpi
: Shows battery status and other ACPI information.upower
: Battery information.pidof [program]
: Find the process ID of a running program.
System info
lsb_release -a
: Print distribution-specific information.cat /etc/*release
uname -a
: Print system information.cat /etc/fstab
: Static file system information.
vim /etc/resolv.conf
: Change DNS server.ip
: Show/Manipulate routing, network devices, interfaces and tunnels.ip addr
: Display IP addresses and property information.
: Investigate sockets.dig
: DNS lookup utility.
man [program]
: View man pages for programs.apropos
: Search the manual page names and descriptions.[program] --help/-h
: Do nothing, successfully.false
: Do nothing, unsuccessfully.test
: Check file types and compare values.cat
: An arbitrary precision calculator language.head <file>
: Output the first 10 lines of file.head -N <file>
: Output the first N lines of file.cat <file> | sed Nq
: Output the first N lines of file.
tail <file>
: Output the last 10 lines of file.rm
: Remove files or directories.rm -f !(test.txt)
: Remove all files in the directory excepttest.txt
ls -d */
: List directories only.
: Print or set the system date and time.date +%s
: Unix timestamp.
: Run programs and summarize system resource usage.cal
: Displays a calendar.cd
: Change working directory.cd -
: Change to previous working directory.cd ~-
: Same thing ascd -
without echoing the path.
: Print name of current/working directory.passwd
: Change user password.alias
: List and create aliases.mkdir -p folder/{sub1,sub2}/{sub1,sub2,sub3}
: Make directories/subdirectories quickly.chsh
: Change login shell.fdisk
: Disk partition utility.cfdisk
: Disk partition utility.dd
: Convert or copy a file, create bootable USBs from ISOs. use cautiously. can destroy data irreversibly. To monitor the progress of an operation, add thestatus=progress
option to the command.wc
: Print newline, word and byte counts for files.ls ~/docs | wc -l
: Print the number of files/folders in~/docs
: Show history.<space>man man
: Don't addman man
command to history.fc
: Fix a long command that you messed up.!666
: Run 666th command in history.!!:s/start/status
: Replacestart
in previous command withstatus
: Refer to the command n lines back.!-1
: Refer to the previous command.sudo !!
: Run previous command but appendsudo
at the beginning.[program] !!
: Run previous command using [program].
: List USB devices.lsblk
: List information about block devices.env
: List all environmental variables.free
: Display amount of free and used memory in the system.df
: Report file system disk space usage.du
: Estimate file space usage.du -sh dir/
: Check size of dir/ on disk.
: List available fonts.timedatectl
: Control the system time and date.cat /etc/timezone
: (On Debian) Print current timezone.
: Property displayer for X.shred
: Overwrite the specified file(s) repeatedly, in order to make it harder for even very expensive hardware probing to recover the data.mount
: Mount a filesystem.clear
: Clear the terminal screen.file
: Determine file type.basename
: Given a pathname, returns the basename of a file or directory.tree
: List contents of directories in a tree-like format.xev
: Print contents of X events.yes
: Output a string repeatedly until killed.column
: Columnate lists.shuf file.txt
- Get random lines fromfile.txt
.man ascii
: ASCII character set encoded in octal, decimal, and hexadecimal.stat
- Display file or file system status.dirs
- Display/Manipulate the directory stack.
Easter eggs
calendar -f /usr/share/calendar/calendar.lotr -A 365
- Drop into a tty (tty3):
Ctrl + Alt + F3
- Move between different ttys:
Alt + Left/Right
- Mod keys:
- Mod1: Left Alt
- Mod3: Right Alt
- Mod4: Super/Windows